Friday, August 14, 2009

Thanks Dettol for the consolation Hamper worth RM500!

I received a call from the agent few weeks ago informing me that I've won consolation prize for Dettol contest.

Today the courier man was at my doorstep to deliver the hamper I won frm Dettol Best Protection for our family Contest which ran frm 1March to 30 April 2009. Thanks to Mrs.C my neighbour who has kindly accepted & signed on my behalf.

Here's the huge & heavy parcel frm Reckitt Benckiser(M) Sdn Bhd:

And guess what's inside:

What a timely prize for the recent H1N1 pandemic!

I'm truly honoured to be one of the 10 consolation winners picked from all the nationwide contestants who had to answer 4 questions correctly & Describe Dettol in 2 words.

Congratulations to the winners of :
Grand prize: 1 year groceries worth RM15K
1st prize- Groceries Vouchers worth RM10K
2nd prize - Groceries Vouchers worth RM5K
3rd Prize- Groceries Vouchers worth RM3K


  1. wow..i have to spend money to buy all those n i use most of those stuff in the hamper :)

  2. Wow! So many dettol products!~ Congratulations!~
